Kaltura MediaSpace is a Youtube-like, online media area specifically for CofC faculty, staff and students. Unlike other media servers on campus Kaltura is available to students so it can be used to upload video projects. Faculty can use it to upload tutorials, online lectures or any original work.
PLEASE NOTE: Kaltura Screen Recorder is not compatible with Microsoft Windows 10 browser ‘Edge’ as ‘Edge’ does not support Java.
This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions for accessing the server, managing files, and sharing your media files.
- Embed streaming media within OAKS
- Create and share a link to streaming media
- House student created media projects
Application: Kaltura MediaSpace
Tutorial Type: Text-based
Platform: Online, cloud-based
Price: Free for CofC Fac, Staff and Students
Tutorial: http://goo.gl/QKdUQx